08 Jun, 2022

Information and Communication Security Audit Guide – Important Announcement

Dear Information Systems Manager;

In accordance with the Presidential Circular on Information and Communication Security Measures, published on July 6, 2019, public institutions and businesses providing critical infrastructure services; (Organizations operating in the Electronic Communications, Energy, Finance, Transportation and Water Management sector) to reduce and neutralize the security risks encountered and to ensure the security of critical data that may threaten national security or cause disruption of public order, especially when its confidentiality, integrity or accessibility is compromised. is obliged to implement certain security measures in order to increase resistance against cyber attacks.

Institutions have been given a 24-month adaptation period as of 27 July 2020, the publication date of the Guide. link. In the first year audits, the preparatory work for the Institutions audit activities should be started at the end of the 24-month period at the latest. Important dates in compliance studies You can read our article about. In summary, the planning of the Information and Communication Security Guide audit on 27 July 2022 should be carried out until 31 December 2022.

D1 type auditor, which includes Critical Infrastructures and Industrial Control Systems Security and Audit, and D2 type auditor, which includes Cloud Computing and Application security, are authorized by TSE.

As CyberArts, we would like to inform you that we are ready to carry out audits that add value to your institution with Lead Auditors authorized by TSE in the fields of Network and System security (D1) and Application security (D2).

Our Audit Project Steps;


Cyber security is an integral part of national security. The full provision of national security is based on the achievement of the targets set in the field of cyber security. It is considered that cyber security is of vital importance for the success and sustainability of digitalization.

Being aware of these facts, we continue our way with the vision of making art in the cyber world Turkey Cyber Security Cluster As one of the founding members of .

To get information and offer about DDO Information and Communication Security Guide Audit Service, you can contact us using the Get Offer button below.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Teklif Talep Edin” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”square” btn_color=”danger” css_animation=”fadeInLeft” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcyberartspro.com%2Fteklif-isteme-formu%2F||target:%20_blank|”]Siber Güvenlik, Dijital Dönüşüm, MSSP, Sızma Testi, KVKK, GDPR, ISO 27001, ISO 27701 ve DDO Bilgi ve İletişim Güvenliği Rehberi başlıklarıyla ilgili teklif almak için lütfen tıklayın.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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