08 Jun, 2020

NATO Condemns Cyber Attacks During the Pandemic

NATO has issued a statement condemning the cyberattacks carried out amid the ongoing pandemic.

The statement specifically targeted cybercriminals targeting primary health care services, including hospitals caring for COVID-19 patients and medical research institutions conducting treatment studies. The organization, such digital attacks; He described it as vitally dangerous and also damaging to efforts to succeed against a virus that has infected 6.29 million people worldwide and killed more than 380,000.

In the statement published in English, French and Russian, NATO; “We condemn the destabilizing and malicious cyber activity against institutions that are critical to the pandemic, including healthcare, hospitals and research institutes. These deplorable activities and attacks put people's lives at risk when these critical sectors are needed most, and jeopardize our ability to quickly overcome the epidemic.” said.

The statement also included a message of support to those affected by the cyber attacks.

“We stand in solidarity with those affected by malicious cyberattacks and stand ready to assist our allies – including by continuing to share information – as they respond to cyber incidents affecting essential services. Allies are committed to protecting their critical infrastructure, building resilience and supporting their cyber defenses, including the full implementation of NATO's Cyber Defense Guidelines, in line with their national responsibilities and capabilities."

The organization said that it is determined to use all capabilities to deter, defend and counter cyber threats in all areas, and as it stated at the Brussels 2018 Summit, cyber defense is part of the basic collective defense task and that the organization will take action against cybercriminals and develop cybercriminals. He reiterated that he will continue to adapt to threats.

Source: https://bit.ly/2MDvGtE

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