01 Nov, 2022

CyberArts CEO Erdem Eriş Was Ali Çağatay's Live Broadcast Guest on Ekotürk TV Last Session Program

CyberArts CEO Erdem Eriş told Ali Çağatay about "Cyber Attacks and the Current IT Sector in Turkey" in the Ekotürk TV Last Session program, where he was the guest of the live broadcast. Explaining that 3 malicious attacks are created per minute in Turkey, Erdem Eriş stated that the increase in this table is accelerating and cyber companies are having difficulty in keeping up with this situation.

Erdem Eriş, who said that Cyber Security has become an area where the gaps and vulnerabilities appear more and more as the Digital Transformation accelerates, and the importance of Cyber Security has increased with the digital transformation. Currently, the size of the Cyber Security sector in the world is 200 Billion Dollars, but the damage caused by cyber attackers to the economy is 6.3 Trillion. He underlined that it was the dollar.

In this case, Erdem Eriş said, “As CyberArts, we deal with Cyber Attacks with the sensitivity of an artist. Thanks to our cyber artists with international experience, we can see the big picture; co-constructing a strategy that will encompass human resources, processes and technologies; We bring together the disciplines of law, governance and cybersecurity. We carry out projects like a conductor, do all our work with the sensitivity of an artist, and become the trusted companions of large corporations in their digital transformation journeys.” he reported.

You can find the details of the news here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4b2glkXCZc

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