11 May, 2024

Data Breach Notification – Pınar Tekstil Tuh. Const. and Sun. Tic. Ltd. Ltd.

Pınar Tekstil Tuh. is the data controller. Const. and Sun. Tic. Ltd. Ltd. In summary, in the data breach notification submitted to the Personal Data Protection Board by:

  • The violation occurred between 23.04.2024-25.04.2024 and was detected on 24.04.2024,
  • The breach occurred as a result of the system used by the data controller being accessed by a cyber attacker who obtained user information from an admin account,
  • Categories of personal data affected by the breach; identity (name, surname), contact (mobile phone number, e-mail address) and customer transaction (purchase history of real and legal persons) information,
  • The number of people affected by the violation is 36,956,
  • The relevant person group affected by the breach is customers,
  • Relevant persons can obtain information about the data breach via the data controller's website (b2b.pinartekstil.com.tr) and by calling 0850 241 76 70.

information is included.

Although the investigation on the issue continues, with the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 09.05.2024 and numbered 2024/758, it was decided to announce the data breach notification on the Authority's website.

Source of New:  Public Announcement (Data Breach Notification)

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About Content:
Pınar Textile Ind. Const. and Sun. Tic. Ltd. Şti. reported a data breach that occurred between 23-25 April 2024 and affected 36,956 people to the Personal Data Protection Board. Cyber attackers accessed the company's system and captured identity, contact and customer transaction information; The Board continues its investigations into the matter. Details are in our content.
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