30 May, 2024

Data Breach Notification - Asymmetric Sound Light and Vision Systems Inc.

In summary, in the data breach notification submitted to the Personal Data Protection Board by Asimetrix Ses Işık ve Vision Sistemleri A.Ş., which is the data controller;

  • The violation started on 23.04.2024 and was detected on the same day,
  • The data was seized by infiltrating the management panel provided by Tekrom Technology Joint Stock Company (T-Soft), which is the data processor (sescibaba.com), and the breach occurred when the cyber attacker obtained a username and password registered in the data controller's system and seized the data of other users registered in the system. It is thought to have occurred as a result of
  • The number of people affected by the violation is 26,968,
  • The relevant group of persons affected by the violation; customers and potential customers,
  • Personal data affected by the breach; name, surname, address, T.R. if entered correctly. ID numbers, telephone numbers, date of birth if the customer entered, e-mail address, customers' last order information.

information is included.

Although the investigation on the issue continues, with the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 23.05.2024 and numbered 2024/880, it was decided to announce the data breach notification on the Authority's website.

Source of New: KVKK Public Announcement (Notification of Data Breach)

To request a quotation for the following: Cyber Security, Digital Transformation, MSSP, Penetration Testing, KVKK, GDPR, ISO 27001 and ISO 27701, please click here.

About Content:
According to the notification sent by Asimetrik Ses Işık ve Vision Sistemleri A.Ş. to the Personal Data Protection Board, the personal data of 26,968 customers were seized as a result of the cyber attack on T-Soft's management panel on 23.04.2024. With its decision dated 23.05.2024, the Personal Data Protection Board decided to announce this data breach on the institution's website. Details are in our content.
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