25 Feb, 2021

The Role of Phishing Simulation in Sustainable Awareness

Phishing Attack is one of the most widely used and most effective attack types in the Cyber ​​security world. This is because it attacks the human mind, the weakest link in cybersecurity. Cyber ​​attackers try to obtain critical information such as password, bank account, credit card information or session of the other party by using the name of a trusted organization to the people who own the system they targeted by pretending to be a normal individual or institution via phone or e-mail, They use social engineering to manipulate confidential information into disclosure by asking them to take certain actions. The attack method they have carried out in general; To send attention-grabbing fake messages such as a notification, gift, discount coupon from the contracted bank to the e-mail address and add a malicious link between these messages and make the target click on this link. As another method, it aims to add additional files such as malicious exe, pdf, docs to the e-mail and make the target download and click them.

Phishing attack methods generally aim to steal the target's sensitive information and confidential information. Recently, in order to increase the impact of the attacks, attackers use ransomware, which we call Ransomware, by encrypting information, preventing us from accessing critical data, and demanding a ransom to decrypt the encryption. Approximately 85% of Targeted Cyber ​​Attacks are carried out with the Phishing method, and if the attacks are made targeted, they have a very high success rate.

Phishing Attacks are increasing day by day. The financial losses of the companies affected by this attack increase every year. Therefore, companies need to prevent this attack risk.


It is not difficult to be protected from such a dangerous and effective cyber attack. The most effective way to fight against phishing attacks is to increase the awareness of individuals and to ensure continuous awareness with hands-on training. In addition, EDR/EPP to prevent downloading harmful files >, Firewall and E-mail Security technologies are indispensable for scanning incoming packets.

When you perform the necessary attack exercises using Phishing Simulation software; You can identify which phishing attacks the employees are affected by. In this way, you can create awareness within the organization and ensure that this awareness remains at the targeted level. After applying the phishing simulation, awareness is analyzed numerically. We cannot know how effective a study is without measuring results, and we cannot plan for the next steps.

To summarize the Benefits of Phishing Simulation Tools:

⦁ Employees' awareness can be measured with scenarios prepared by considering the realities of the institutions.
⦁ How employees react to a cyber incident can be seen.
⦁ Allows control of e-mail security without violating personnel privacy.
⦁ The next steps can be planned according to the report generated after the phishing scenario is implemented.
⦁ Provides total preparedness when a real Phishing attack occurs.
⦁ Provides tangible support for ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 sustainability.
⦁ Before the data that should be kept confidential by the KVKK is leaked to the outside
It is tested that it can be leaked on e-mail.







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