22 Jun, 2023

Microsoft; Azure Targets DDoS Attack for Outlook and OneDrive Outages

Microsoft has recently been the target of a large-scale DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack targeting the company. Although company officials stated that they were working hard to stop the attack, they admitted that the attack could not be completely prevented.

Microsoft, cuma günü, bu ayın başlarında Azure, Outlook ve OneDrive’ı hedefleyen hizmet kesintisinin, Storm-1359 adı altında kategorize edilmemiş bir kümeye bağlı olduğunu açıkladı. Teknoloji devi cuma günü yaptığı açıklamada, “Bu saldırılar muhtemelen kiralanan Cloud altyapı, açık proxy’ler ve DDoS araçlarıyla birlikte birden fazla sanal özel sunucuya (VPS) erişime dayanıyor” dedi.

In the statement made by the company, it stated that there was no unauthorized access to any customer data, that the data was not compromised, but that the usability of some services was temporarily affected as a result of the attack. Redmond supports the threat actor from multiple cloud services and open proxy infrastructureslayer 7.

This attack is when a client opens a connection to a web server, requests a resource (for example, an image) and then disapproves (or slowly accepts) the download,” said the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). “This happens by forcing the web server to keep the connection open and keep the requested resource in memory.”

Outlook, Teams, SharePoint Online ve OneDrive İş gibi Microsoft 365 hizmetleri ayın başında kullanımında sorunlar yaşandı ve şirket daha sonra “artan istek oranlarına sahip bir anormallik” tespit ettiğini belirtti.Trafik analizi, Azure portal kaynaklarına karşı verilen HTTP isteklerinde anormal bir artış gözlemlendi.

Anonymous Sudan olarak bilinen hacktivist bir grup, saldırıların sorumluluğunu üstlendi. Şirketin saldırı unsuru Storm-1359’u Anonymous Sudan’a açıkça bağlamadığını belirtmekte fayda var. Anonymous Sudan, yılın başından bu yana İsveç, Hollanda, Avustralya ve Alman kuruluşlarına karşı birçok kez DDoS saldırısıyla siber güvenlik dünyasında göze çarpmıştır.

As a result, big technology companies like Microsoft need to be constantly vigilant against cyber attacks and update their security measures. As cyber attacks pose a serious threat to the security of users and the privacy of their data, such incidents should be closely monitored and the best possible protection provided.

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Microsoft has recently suffered a large-scale DDoS attack, and the attack was not completely blocked. Details are in our content.
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