09 Jan, 2022

Logo Software Industry and Trade Inc. Data Breach Notification

A person, by sending an e-mail to the data controller, states that he wants to discuss a data leak incident, then an online meeting is held with the relevant person, and the data allegedly leaked by the data controller is transmitted to the data controller,

It is thought that the data controller of the affected data may have the name, surname, title, TR identity number / tax identification number, contact, finance and customer transaction information belonging to the customers of the sole proprietorship,

The relevant groups of persons affected by the breach are users and customers/prospects,

As a result of the examination, it has been determined that the data belongs to the systems of the data controller and that the violation has been unlawfully seized,

The determination of all the details of the violation continues with expert organizations, 

It was stated that a criminal complaint was filed with the Gebze Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the issue. 

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Data breach has occurred due to the unlawful obtaining of the processed personal data by others. Especially software and IT companies need to be more careful about data protection, since there can never be one hundred percent security, it is necessary to take the necessary administrative and technical measures as if the incident had occurred before the violations occurred, pentests should be carried out and evidence should be collected.

 Source: https://www.kvkk.gov.tr/Icerik/7157/Kamuoyu-Duyurusu-Veri-Ihlali-Bildirimi-Logo-Yazilim-Sanayi-ve-Ticaret-AS 

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