KVKK and RTÜK signed a cooperation protocol against the disregard of the privacy of private life and the easy disclosure of personal data, especially in generational programs.
Especially in daytime programs, privacy of private lives is violated and personal information of individuals can be disclosed openly.
KVKK and RTÜK cooperated in this situation, which is a crime according to the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 and Law No. 6112.
Protocol KVKK President Prof. Dr. It was signed by Faruk Bilir and RTÜK President Ebubekir Şahin.
Making evaluations after the signing ceremony, the Presidents of both institutions pointed out the importance of preserving the honor and reputation of individuals.
According to the cooperation protocol, a coordination unit will be determined within both institutions in order to carry out joint works efficiently. The appointed experts will work together on the organization of training, seminars, workshops and similar activities. The protocol, which will remain in effect for 2 years, will be automatically renewed for 1 year under the same conditions, unless a notice of termination is made by any of the parties 30 days before the expiry of the period.
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