15 Jun, 2024

Digital Fraud Warning Before Eid-al-Adha: Citizens Should Be Careful

With the approach of Eid al-Adha, while millions of people start preparing for the holiday, there is also a significant increase in digital fraud cases. Cyber ​​security experts warn citizens to be careful, especially during online shopping and donation transactions. Here's what you need to know about digital fraud methods that are becoming widespread before Eid al-Adha.

Fake Donation Sites

Increasing feelings of philanthropy during the holiday period also leads to an increase in the number of fake donation sites. Cyber ​​crooks attempt to steal credit card information from donors by creating fake websites that impersonate real charities.

Case Case: Last year, a fake website operating under the name “Extend a Helping Hand” collected credit card information from thousands of people in a short time. The site looked exactly like the website of a real charity and reached a wide audience through heavy advertising on social media.

Fake E-Commerce Sites

Fake e-commerce sites that offer attractive discounts for purchases made before the holiday also pose a major threat. These sites defraud citizens by organizing fake campaigns for sacrificial animals, holiday gifts and other needs.

Sample Case: A fake e-commerce site established last year under the name “BayramAlışverişim.com” claimed to offer huge discounts on the sale of Eid clothes and sacrificial animals. It victimized many people. Citizens who shopped on the site could not receive their products and realized that their credit card information was stolen.

Fake Emails and SMS

Cyber ​​criminals also target citizens with fake e-mails and SMS sent before Eid-al-Adha. These messages often appear to be from banks, e-commerce sites or charities, and redirect users to fake websites.

Case: Fake emails sent using the name of a bank stated that users' account information needed to be updated and directed them to a fake website. Bank information of many users was stolen through this fake site.

Digital fraud cases are increasing before Eid al-Adha. It is of great importance for citizens to be more careful and conscious during this period to protect themselves from possible fraud cases. 

Stay safe this holiday and have a peaceful holiday with your loved ones. Remember, digital security is an important part of your personal security.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Teklif Talep Edin” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”square” btn_color=”danger” css_animation=”fadeInLeft” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcyberartspro.com%2Fteklif-isteme-formu%2F||target:%20_blank|”]Siber Güvenlik, Dijital Dönüşüm, MSSP, Sızma Testi, KVKK, GDPR, ISO 27001, ISO 27701 ve DDO Bilgi ve İletişim Güvenliği Rehberi başlıklarıyla ilgili teklif almak için lütfen tıklayın.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

About Content:
As Eid al-Adha approaches, there is an increase in digital fraud cases; Cyber ​​security experts warn citizens to be careful, especially in online shopping and donation transactions. Details are in our content.
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