07 Aug, 2020

CyberArts Aims To Make The Leap In 2021

CyberArts offers KVKK and GDPR Consulting, ISO 27001 ISMS Consulting, Information Technologies Consulting and Management Consulting services. CyberArts Founder and CEO Erdem Eriş says, “We think that 2021 will be the year we will make the biggest leap, with the uncertainties being left behind in 2020.”

CyberArts was founded in 2017 with the vision of “making art in the cyber world” based on 20 years of international ICT industry experience. CyberArts Founder and CEO Erdem Eriş said, “When it comes to cyber services, all institutions demand the best of everything and deserve the best of everything. We offer our experiences in the cyber world to the service of institutions that demand art, not mediocrity, by getting together with other institutions and individuals working with artist sensitivity and meticulousness. CyberArts offers KVKK and GDPR Consulting, ISO 27001 ISMS Consulting, Information Technologies Consulting and Management Consulting services. Erdem Eriş said, “While providing these services to institutions, all management and responsibility lies with CyberArts; We bring together our own team and the experience and efforts of law firms, academics and manufacturers who are experts in their fields, which we have special agreements with. In this sense, as the trusted advisors of our customers, we perform the 'conductorship' required by large projects on behalf of our customers. We serve medium and large corporate clients. Our customers include domestic and international institutions from different sectors such as finance, telecom, production, construction, marketing, technology, service, textile and public.”

The difference of CyberArts' KVKK solutions Although the Personal Data Protection Law
No. 6698 is a law; Erdem Eriş shares that they believe that the disciplines of law, cyber security and governance should come together in order for this compliance process to be successful and to create real benefits for businesses, and draws attention to the fact that only this way, with a holistic approach, can ensure end-to-end and complete compliance. “Technical measures must be taken absolutely”: Emphasizing that they always take the GDPR framework into account when considering the legal and administrative measures of the law, and the ISO27001 / ISMS framework when considering the technical measures, Erdem Eriş said, “Thus, we ensure that the institutions we work with make a start in terms of international compliance through the KVKK. In order to protect personal data physically and electronically, institutions naturally need to take measures to protect their information assets and data. Technical measures, namely data security and cyber security measures, need to be taken and operated by taking into account both KVKK and current attack vectors and attack surfaces. When you look at the fines imposed by the KVKK Institution, it can be seen that the heavy weight of the total fine amount is that technical measures have not been taken sufficiently rather than legal and administrative measures. Therefore, special attention should be paid to technical measures.” Erdem Eriş, while taking data security measures, includes all of the 17 main headings stipulated by the Institution in the Personal Data Security Guide; He explains that they evaluated them with the GAP (Gap) Analysis and PIA (PrivacyImpactAssessment)-MED (Privacy Impact Assessment) reports: “In this assessment, we score the risks within the framework of ISO27001/ISMS. Then, starting from the principle of closing big gaps with less cost, we start to take the related measures from simple to difficult in line with a time and budget planning.”

Special work from CyberArts on KVKK compliance projects for corporations: Erdem Eriş states that CyberArts carries out special studies for corporations: “An important point in KVKK consultancy is the 'special for that institution' KVKK compliance project with experienced consultants who can understand the sector, dynamics and realities of the institution you serve. is to execute. KVKK compliance is a complex and important issue that should not be applied to all institutions in the same way and cannot be resolved with a standard checklist template.”

“KVKK compliance should be made sustainable”: Erdem Eriş draws attention to the fact that another point that should not be overlooked when companies prefer KVKK solutions is to make KVKK compliance “sustainable”: “As the deadline for VERBIS registration, 30 September 2020, approaches, I would like to say that; KVKK compliance is not completed with VERBIS registration. On the contrary, an important step for KVKK compliance is taken and the road is started. It is essential to keep KVKK compliance up-to-date and live in line with changing threats, regulations, organizational structure and needs. In this sense; Institutions that want to add value to their businesses by transforming into KVKK compliant and 'reliable' companies, prefer to work with us.”

“2021 will be the year we make the biggest leap”
Erdem Eriş stated that 2020 has been a difficult year especially for the companies they have worked with since March, and therefore for CyberArts, and said, “On the other hand, the cyber security and information technologies sectors, which we are in with our 20 years of experience, are one of the main actors of the digital transformation process, which has gained great momentum with the effect of the pandemic. became. With the uncertainties left behind in 2020, we think that 2021 will be the year we will make the biggest leap forward. While providing our Data Security services, we will continue to position in our projects by following the new generation smart technologies that provide solutions to today's complex threats, not the old technologies that provide solutions to the ordinary threats of the old world. In our KVKK projects, we will continue our partnerships with expert lawyers, auditors and academics, and we will further strengthen our 'sustainable, cost-effective and adding value to the institutions' own work' structure.

Recommendations to companies that will receive KVKK and data security services
Erdem Eriş recommends that businesses look for the following criteria in the companies that they will receive services in the field of KVKK and data security:

End-to-End Integrative Approach: The company that you will receive service from must have the experience and team that can carry out the legal, administrative and technical measures required by the Law from one source to the other. It should be able to bring together the disciplines of law, governance and cybersecurity.

Sustainability: It should have the vision of a reliable companion who is aware of the fact that ensuring KVKK compliance and data security is not a one-time job, constantly working on these issues, having a structure that can become a part of the companies it serves by following all the developments.

International perspective: The issues are not only from the Turkish side; Must be competent to take a broader perspective with international frameworks such as GDPR, ISO 27001, COBIT, ITIL and international large-scale project experiences.

Business-oriented approach: It is important that all controls and improvements are made not by using templates, but by taking into account the companies' own sectors, focuses and needs. It should have the power to transform the expenditures made in these areas into investments that add value to the main business of companies and that can be calculated ROI (Return of Investment), rather than an irreversible expense.”

Erdem Eriş states the following: “In the COVID-19 process we are currently going through; We are also happy to be able to support the institutions we work with both in terms of KVKK and cyber security, thanks to the measures that significantly reduce the new cyber security vulnerabilities that arise for institutions that have forced and quickly switched to the home working system and are easily put into use. In this process, we tested ourselves once again and saw that we have the right business model.”

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