09 Aug, 2021

Record Punishment to Amazon

Technology giant Amazon was handed a record $886.6 million fine on July 16, 2021, for violating GDPR rules, according to the EU agency decision of the Luxembourg National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD).

A spokesperson for the company stated that Amazon will appeal the fine and that CNPD's decision was unfair, while CNPD did not respond to questions about it.

EU's General Data Protection Regulation aka GDPR; It requires companies to obtain the consent of individuals before using personal data or receiving high fines.

Otherwise, companies are given heavy penalties.

In December, France's data privacy agency fined Google $118.82 million, one of the largest penalties ever, for violating the country's rules regarding online ad trackers.

Regulatory scrutiny against tech companies has increased globally, driven by a string of scandals related to breaches of privacy and disinformation.
In Europe, it was observed that companies such as Alphabet's division Google, Facebook Inc, Apple Inc and Microsoft Corp were increasing.



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