04 Apr, 2021

533 Milyon Kullanıcının Veri İhlali

Data affecting more than 500 million Facebook users, which was first leaked in 2019, including email addresses and phone numbers, was posted on an online hacker forum. Business Insider's reported, the leak contains personal information about 533 million Facebook users, such as phone numbers, Facebook IDs, full names, places, dates of birth, biographies, and in some cases, email addresses.

“This is old data previously reported in 2019,” a Facebook spokesperson said in an email statement. “We found and fixed this issue in August 2019.” At the time, the company addressed a flaw in its technology that allowed information to leak out. However, once such data escapes Facebook's network, the company's power to stop its spread on the internet is limited.

Alon Gal, chief technology officer at the cybercrime intelligence firm Hudson Rock, rediscovered the data Saturday. Databases, especially if large or rare, aren't nearly as widely shared because "the people who hold them will try to monetize it for as long as they can," Gal said in a post on Twitter. “The process sometimes takes years, sometimes days, but eventually leaks if all private databases are sold. “The data leaks threaten to undermine Facebook's business model of collecting massive amounts of personal information and using it to sell targeted ads.

The data is currently available in 106 separate download packages and is broken down by country. While the forum is public and anyone can register a profile, download links for these packages are only available to users who have purchased forum credits.

In total, 533,313,128 personal data were leaked from Facebook, 19,638,821 of them from Turkey. Below is the number of data leaks per country; One

  1. Afganistan 558.393
  2. Afrika 14.323.766
  3. Angola 50.889
  4. Arnavutluk 506.602
  5. Cezayir 11.505.898
  6. Arjantin 2.347.553
  7. Avusturya 1.249.388
  8. Avustralya 7.320.478
  9. Azerbaycan 99.472
  10. Bahreyn 1.450.124
  11. Bangladeş 3.816.339
  12. Belçika 3.183.584
  13. Bolivya 2.959.209
  14. Botsvana 240.606
  15. Brezilya 8.064.916
  16. Brunei 213.795
  17. Bulgaristan 432.473
  18. Burkina Faso 6.413
  19. Burundi 15.709
  20. Kamboçya 2.838
  21. Kamerun 1.997.658
  22. Kanada 3.494.385
  23. Şili 6.889.083
  24. Çin 670.334
  25. Kolombiya 17.957.908
  26. Kosta Rika 1.464.002
  27. Hırvatistan 659.115
  28. Kıbrıs 152.321
  29. Çek Cumhuriyeti 1.375.988
  30. Danimarka 639.841
  31. Cibuti 14.327
  32. Ekvador 310.259
  33. Mısır 44.823.547
  34. El Salvador 4.779
  35. Estonya 87.533
  36. Etiyopya 12.753
  37. Fiji 5.364
  38. Finlandiya 1.381.569
  39. Fransa 19.848.559
  40. Gürcistan 95.193
  41. Almanya 6.054.423
  42. Gana 1.027.969
  43. Yunanistan 617.722
  44. Guatemala 1.645.068
  45. Haiti 15.407
  46. Honduras 16.142
  47. Hong Kong 2.937.841
  48. Macaristan 377.045
  49. İzlanda 31.343
  50. Hindistan 6.162.450
  51. Endonezya 130.331
  52. İran 301.723
  53. Irak 17.116.398
  54. İrlanda 1.449.919
  55. İsrail 3.956.428
  56. İtalya 35.677.323
  57. Jamaika 385.890
  58. Japonya 428.625
  59. Ürdün 3.105.988
  60. Kazakistan 3.214.990
  61. Kuveyt 4.468.134
  62. Lübnan 1.829.661
  63. Libya 4.204.514
  64. Litvanya 220.160
  65. Lüksemburg 188.201
  66. Makao 414.228
  67. Malezya 11.675.894
  68. Maldivler 86.337
  69. Malta 115.366
  70. Mauritius 848.558
  71. Meksika 13.330.561
  72. Moldova 46.237
  73. Fas 18.939.198
  74. Namibya 409.356
  75. Hollanda 5.430.388
  76. Nijerya 9.000.131
  77. Norveç 475.809
  78. Umman 5.048.532
  79. Filistin 3.367.576
  80. Panama 1.502.310
  81. Peru 8.075.317
  82. Filipinler 879.699
  83. Polonya 2.669.381
  84. Portekiz 2.277.361
  85. Porto Riko 130.586
  86. Katar 2.526.694
  87. Rusya 9.996.405
  88. Suudi Arabistan 28.804.686
  89. Sırbistan 162.898
  90. Singapur 3.073.009
  91. Slovenya 229.039
  92. Güney Kore 121.744
  93. İspanya 10.894.206
  94. Sudan 9.464.772
  95. İsveç 1.092.140
  96. İsviçre 1.592.039
  97. Suriye 6.939.528
  98. Tayvan 734.807
  99. Tunus 39.526.412
  100. Türkiye 19.638.821
  101. Türkmenistan 16.279
  102. Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri 6.978.927
  103. Birleşik Krallık 11.522.328
  104. Uruguay 1.509.317
  105. ABD 32.315.282
  106. Yemen 4.617.359

Toplam 533.313.128




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