28 Nov, 2020

Data of 300,000 Spotify Users Compromised

Spotify, a major digital music platform, has suffered a cyber attack that threatens more than 300 million users. As a result of this attack, it was determined that 72 GB of information was leaked from the database where the e-mail and password information of more than 300 thousand users were kept. The database of stolen accounts also includes the information of Spotify Premium members.

After the attack, Spotify advised its users to change their passwords and not use the same password on other platforms. If you also use Spotify, you may need to review your passwords for password security.
What you really need to do is to set and maintain a holistic password policy "for all your accounts".

We recommend that you take a look at the following articles on this topic.

How Attackers Can Guess Your Passwords

Creating and Storing a Secure Password.

Tell Me Your Date of Birth and I'll Tell You Your Password.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Teklif Talep Edin” btn_style=”flat” btn_shape=”square” btn_color=”danger” css_animation=”fadeInLeft” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fcyberartspro.com%2Fteklif-isteme-formu%2F||target:%20_blank|”]Siber Güvenlik, Dijital Dönüşüm, MSSP, Sızma Testi, KVKK, GDPR, ISO 27001, ISO 27701 ve DDO Bilgi ve İletişim Güvenliği Rehberi başlıklarıyla ilgili teklif almak için lütfen tıklayın.[/vc_cta][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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