04 Nov, 2020

Information Security Events of the Last Month

STM Suffered from Phishing Attack

Canada's national transport agency, The Société de Transport de Montréal (STM), was hit by a ransomware attack on October 19. It was announced that 1000 of STM's 1600 servers were affected in the attack. It was announced that the attack took place through a phishing email and the attackers demanded a ransom of $ 2.8 million.

Cyber Attacks Changed Course, New Target NGOs

Data from Microsoft's Digital Defense Report shows that cyber hackers are improving their technologies and tactics day by day; therefore, it reveals that cyber threats are becoming more and more complex. Cyber hackers are attacking systems with new methods every day, using people's sense of curiosity and need for information, just as they attack health institutions by taking advantage of the social concerns that intensified at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the report, it is stated that among the rising cyber threat trends of the last period, identity theft and attacks against multi-stakeholder institutions such as non-governmental organizations / associations that have ties to the states draw attention. The results of the annual Digital Defense Report prepared by Microsoft were shared with the public. The report, which covers the cybersecurity trends of the past year, reveals that hackers have become adept at threatening even the most savvy targets, using techniques that make them harder to detect. In addition to the increasing complexity of attacks, it seems that hackers are using certain techniques more frequently and increasing their interest in stealing user information, pirated software and IoT devices.

Companies Are Cyber Attacked At Least Once A Day

Hackerler durmaksızın saldırıyor. Dünyadaki şirketlerin %31’i günde en az 1 kez saldırıya uğruyor. Kimlik avı saldırılarının son zamanların en üst noktasına geldiğine dikkat çeken uzmanlar, şirketlerin uzaktan çalışmaya geçiş süreciyle birlikte ortaya çıkan zayıf noktalara karşı alması gereken önlemleri sıralıyor.
Siber güvenlik dünyası hiç olmadığı kadar teyakkuz halinde. Uzaktan çalışma dönemiyle birlikte birçok şirketin siber güvenliğinde gerçekleşen değişimler hackerlerin işlerini daha da kolaylaştırıyor. Acronis’in yayınladığı son siber güvenlik raporu da bunu kanıtlar nitelikte gözüküyor. Dünyadaki şirketlerin %31’i yıl içerisinde günde en az 1 kere siber saldırıya uğruyorken, küresel şirketlerin birçoğunun kurumsal çözümler konusunda yetersiz kaldığı da görülüyor.

KVKK, ISO 270001 Bilgi Güvenliği, Siber Güvenlik ve Bilgi Teknolojileri konularında destek ve teklif almak için lütfen

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