24 Mar, 2023

Marifet Saatcilik Data Breach Notification

Data Breach Notification - Marifet Saatcilik Kuym. tex. Type. Food Cons. commitment Singing. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.

Having the title of data controller, Marifet Saatçiler Kuym. tex. Type. Food Cons. commitment Singing. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. In summary, in the data breach notification submitted by the Board to the Board;

  • The violation started on 07.03.2023 and ended on 08.03.2023,
  • The breach occurred by sending SMS to 1,513,947 people as a result of the unauthorized persons obtaining the information of the application used by the data controller to send messages to its customers,
  • It is thought that the data controller has 66,000 customers registered in the application, therefore, the phone numbers sent by SMS are uploaded to the system by the people who have seized the application,
  • The violation was detected as a result of customer feedback,
  • The personal data category affected by the breach is the contact information,
  • The relevant persons can obtain information about the data breach via https://www.marifetkuyumcu.com/ and phone number 444 9 778.

Although the investigation on the subject continues, with the Decision of the Personal Data Protection Board dated 16.03.2023 and numbered 2023/375, it was decided to announce the aforementioned data breach notification on the Institution's website.

You can reach the Data Breach Notification Decision via this link:
KİŞİSEL VERİLERİ KORUMA KURUMU | KVKK | Kamuoyu Duyurusu (Veri İhlali Bildirimi) – Marifet Saatçilik Kuym. Teks. Tur. Gıda İnş. Taah. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.

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You can access the new violation notice published by KVKK in this content.
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